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At Home Ceremonies

The purpose of these post-session “at home ceremonies” are to help you integrate the changes we made in the energetic realm, into the psycho-spiritual layer and ultimately into the physical reality so that you can begin manifesting your desired reality. Our sessions are deep and accelerated, and many things may bubble up for you over the next few days/weeks, and the following ceremonies will help you integrate the healing further and release the old energy patterns.


Remember that there is no right or wrong way of doing these ceremonies. Follow your intuition and imagination; have fun with the process. The key to all these ceremonies is your intention. You can modify any of these with what resonates with you and your soul, and every ceremony will serve you on your journey to empowerment and freedom. 


Humanity is constantly healing on personal levels and as a collective. Life will continue to present us with challenges and opportunities to heal, therefore follow-up sessions are extremely helpful, and many will do so on a regular basis. If you have just started working with me, 3 sessions within a month’s or 2 months period will have a great impact in starting your journey towards empowerment and freedom.


Our work is not a magic pill, rather a deep and accelerated process, and your dedication is key to creating your desired future. So remember to show-up for you and your healing journey by committing fully to the at home ceremonies and other practices we discussed during our sessions. Remember, there is no right or wrong way of doing them, or any rules, but it is important to participate and continue the practices with clear intention to help you on your journey. 


Mythic Toilet - Releasing The Old









Find a space outdoors or indoors and make a circle out of stones, sticks, leaves, etc., you can also use a piece of thread; anything will do, it's the intention that's important. This is what we like to refer as the "toilet bowl" in which you will place all aspects of your old stories, beliefs, patterns and whatever else you are ready to let go of. We are creating a new map for your life; a map towards empowerment and freedom. This new map will replace and transform the old map which we identified during our session together.


You can again use stones, sticks, photos, personal items and so on, that represents those stories, people, places, events, emotions, thoughts, etc. to add to the “toilet bowl”. Take one object at a time and blow into it what you are releasing and place it inside the circle; one object for each aspect that you are ready to release. Once you feel complete, there is one last object to add to the circle. This object  (whether a stone, twig, etc.) is for anything else that maybe hidden in the unconscious. Blow into this last item “anything I can’t see about this issue that remains in shadows.”


You will keep this over the next 3 days and as old experiences bubble-up, recognize it as the old, disengage from it and blow it into another object and add it to the circle.


Take some time daily to sit with this "mythic toilet" and meditate. Allow the spirit to communicate with you and it will; you will get more insights into your life, the stories and your new map. Each object from mother earth has a vibration of it's own and will help in transmuting the negative heavy energies that you have blown into the objects inside this Mythic Toilet. This is where let go of the old map which you identified with and which held you back and fully surrender to the new map ahead towards Empowerment and Freedom.


At the end of day 3, dismantle the "mythic toilet", returning all the objects back to where they came from, except one item. That one item, you can either burn or bury. That one piece is the death arrow; it is the death of the old, so that a new can be born into your reality.


If during our session we talked about having more than one "mythic toilet", follow the same process to create two or three "mythic toilets" at a time. they can be placed along side each other. 


Photo Apr 20, 17 22 22.jpg

Mandala 0r Sand Painting​









This Ceremony is used for manifestations. If you are trying to attract something into your life this is a wonderful ceremony that you can do using flowers to blow into that which you want to attract, then creating a mandala/painting. 


Similar to the Mythic Toilet (see above for details) you want to keep it for 3 consecutive days and visit it daily and sit with the feelings of what it would be like to have that which you desire already in your life knowing that its already there. 


Manifesting is all about knowing in your heart that what you want is already there just at a different frequency, and all you have to do is tap into that frequency in order to see it on this physical plane.  So as you build out this mandala know that what is placed in your heart already exists and the reason for that burning desire in your heart. 


Mythic Toilet focuses on what you want to let go of and the Mandala/Sand Painting focuses on what you want to attract. Follow similar process but using fresh flowers or colored sand to create a map for that which you want to attract. 


Ancestor Altar








If we did cord-cutting or extraction during our session from your connection to your ancestors, people form your past- preset- lifetime or unwanted entities, the “Altar” is a great exercise in empowering the process and ensuring that they are no longer follow you around or influence you in this life by taking away your power.  


Create an altar by placing a picture or object representing the ancestor(s) or person(s) or entity; a candle and some food or something that would represents the situation as an offering. This will allow us to acknowledge the hold they had over us, accept what was, honor them for the lessons and their lives, yet ensuring that they are no longer needed and no longer hold power over us.



Right of Passage - Transition













When we do any type of transition work representing a change in your role; daughter to wife, wife to motherhood, childhood to adulthood, victim to empowerment, leaving the old behind and inviting in the new in and so on, you want to celebrate that transition as a right of passage. 


My personal favorite ceremony is to walk through a doorway, energetical or literal, or cross over a line, representing the passage from what was to where what we want to go. Decorate the doorway with candles and flowers, placing objects representing the past behind you and what you want to step into on the other side.



Salt Baths





Anytime you feel drained or tired and need cleansing, slat baths are a great way to do so, specially after our sessions where we have done an energy cleansing and rebalancing of the luminous body and chakras. This is great habit really to incorporate into your life. Salt baths help speed up the cleansing and healing process.


Within 3 days of our session be sure to do at least one salt bath. 


Mix 1/2 Epson Salt with 1/2 cup of Baking Soda in the tub with hot water (as hot as you can tolerate comfortably). Soak for max of 20 mins, no longer as it will start to absorb back the negative energy. You can rinse of after or dry up and be sure t o drink plenty of water.


If you do not have a tub do this as a foot soak as your feet are a main point of release. 

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